#OrthoK boosts #selfmotivation in your #child.
Do you find it hard to get your child to get out of bed in the morning?
The ability of learning depends on self-motivation after the age of 7yo. Interestingly, one of the #myopia control options, Ortho-K benefits #children not just on discipline but self-motivation.
1. #problem solving
Ortho-K emphasises on solutions to #problems. Hence, the clinical procedures encourage your child to adopt the same approach, rather than dwelling on the problem.
2. #persistence
The “side effect” of Ortho-K allows the child to see good vision the next day after removing lenses that are worn overnight. The child does not need to wear any eye glasses or contact lenses during the day. Such “reward” motivates the child to follow a strict Ortho-K clinical regimen, learns to be more persistent in handling the lenses against contaminations.
3. #acceptance
Before any child is fitted on Ortho-K lenses, optometrist has to go through a thorough assessment to rule out all factors that affect the child’s eye health. Children will be able to accept if they are not selected. Some children even return to clinic to go through the clinical regimen again!
4. #interesting fact
Children who have gone through Ortho-K clinical regimen understand it involves: cleaning, fitting and removal of the lenses, and follow up visits with optometrists. The child needs to be interested in Ortho-K as their myopia control treatment. Once the child is interested, he/she can handle the strict regimen without parents’ full involvement.
5. #achievement
Children who are fitted with Ortho-K find comfortable to share their experience with their peers. They enjoy the “success” and feel they have achieved something in life!
6. #positive
Ortho-K motivates the child to handle strict regimen by themselves to avoid infections that are mainly due to patient non-compliance. When the child achieves the effect of corneal reshaping, he/she is seeing clear vision at all times. They feel more positive and confident compared to side effects of other myopia control option. They can even enjoy their outdoor activities without any need of eye glasses!